Haggens Store Hours: When You Can Shop and What Time to Expect

If you’re looking for information on Haggens store hours, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will list the days and times that Haggen’s is open for business. We will also provide a brief overview of what you can expect during those times.

haggens store hours

Keep in mind that these hours may vary by location, so be sure to check with your local Haggen before making any plans. Now, let’s see what is Haggen store and what are Haggens store hours.

About Haggen Food & Pharmacy

Haggen Food & Pharmacy is a Pacific Northwest grocery chain based in Bellingham, Washington. The company started in 1933 as a single store in Burlington, Washington. As of now, Haggen operates 27 stores in Washington and Oregon.

haggen hours

Haggen is known for its focus on local and organic products, as well as its unique shopping experience. The company’s tagline is “The best of the Northwest. Fresh every day.” If you are looking for a grocery store that offers a wide variety of local and organic products, Haggen is the place for you. Journeys store hours are also similar to Haggen.

Haggens Store Hours of Operation

Most Haggen stores are open seven days a week. The Haggen stores are open from 5 am in the morning till midnight. However, some locations may have different hours. For example, the store in Bellingham is open from six in the morning to midnight. The store hours are different from the pharmacy hours.

Haggens Store Hours During Weekdays

Haggen stores are open early during the weekdays, usually at five in the morning. The store is open till midnight from Monday to Friday. The holiday hours may vary.

Days Opening Hours Closing Hours
Monday 05:00 AM 12:00 AM
Tuesday 05:00 AM 12:00 AM
Wednesday 05:00 AM 12:00 AM
Thursday 05:00 AM 12:00 AM
Friday 05:00 AM 12:00 AM

Haggens Stores Hours During Weekends

Most stores are open during the same hours on Saturday and Sunday, which is from five in the morning till midnight. However, some stores may have different hours on Sundays. Also, the stores close earlier on holidays like Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas.

Days Opening Hours Closing Hours
Saturday 05:00 AM 12:00 AM
Sunday 05:00 AM 12:00 AM

What Time Does Haggen Open?

Haggen stores open at 5 am every day. Though the store hours are different on weekends, they open at the same time every day.

What Time Does Haggen Close?

Haggen stores close at midnight every day. However, some stores may have different hours on Sundays. Also, the stores close earlier on holidays like Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas. Also, know the Kirklands store hours on this link.

Haggen Customer Service Number

If you want to know more about Haggens store hours or have any questions, you can contact the customer service department. The customer service number is (800) 995-1902.

On Which Holidays Is Haggen Store Open?

Except for Christmas day, all Haggen stores are open on holidays. The Haggen hours may differ on Thanksgiving and other holidays as given below:

  • Thanksgiving Day – Normal Hours
  • Christmas Eve – Close at 8 pm
  • Christmas Day – Closed
  • Day After Christmas – Open at 6 am
  • New Year’s Eve – Normal Hours
  • New Year’s Day – Normal Hours

On Which Holidays Is Haggen Store Close?

Haggen stores are closed on Christmas day. The store hours may differ on Thanksgiving and other holidays. To know the Haggen holiday hours, you can contact the customer service department or visit the website.

Haggen Pharmacy Hours

Haggen pharmacies have different hours from the Haggens store hours. The pharmacies are open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 8 pm. On Saturday, the pharmacies are open from 9 am to 6 pm. And on Sunday, they have reduced hours from 10 am to 6 pm.


Hope this article helped you with the Haggens store hours. For more queries or details, you can contact the customer service department or visit the website. Have a great day! Keep visiting the Storehourss website for more useful articles from us.